justinbentley.net - changelog

Change Log;

added Test-NetConnection to wincmd

added massive padding to badges to avoid triggering rate limiter

added speedtest, internet overview, and this site to ip/dns/ns/ping to Links

added slmgr /dli to cmd

Links: added aws link
Seperated IP/DNS/NS/PING [AWS]
some puntuation errors

Index: changed JBNAI img and adjusted blurb
Hosted images locally

Heading: Usefull Links >> Links (2,3,4)
added ipinfo.io
added robots.txt (accross the board actually^^)

Links >> added facebook link inspector
(ironically) above linkedin

DNS >> added TLD to top of table
SalCalc >> added bracket change functionality and added 2025FY

DNS >> darker background, different shadows

Improvements to DNS
Changed Skillset/WIN-CMD >> Skillset/CMD
Changed route from ~/wincmd >> ~/cmd view and added ~/cmd
Introduced optional canonical to _layout and added to CMD
NPM changed under construction to check runtimes
Nav swapped NPM for Badges
Swapped ImageViewer from arcaneww.com to the new file server in Freelance, Image, D3, PCBuilding, PenTest, GPT, ICE, ICTP, Uni, VIC
Added meta theme color into _layout through razor through .cshtml page

Added Skillset/DNS
added rendered landscapes, davidgreen to nav

Small punctuation fixes to index

Changed index theme to red

Added Buffer Overflow to Security
added quotes around anchor creator in razor view
and also added replace
"@item.Title.Replace(" ", "")"

Added a bit about ReCaptcha
an A to arcaneww.com/contact
and link to the ReCaptcha Youtube

Changed Home button to;
Portfolio header with Home and 3D
Added wodenldc & pcuser

~/image meta og >> iv_masoud_og_hq.jpg

Added Textures to 3D
3D, Backpanel >> light lavender

Added REN to WIN-CMD

Added Save The Trees to GPT

Setup routing ~/skillset/d3 >> ~/skillset/3d
(cant have a model that starts with a number, just like a class, remember?)
Created a modern theme css, Theme23.css
Created ~/skillset/3d

Totally redid home in a portfolio fashion
Ripped badges from home and created a new page with it

Added XSRF to Security
Rewrote the disclaimer on index for cookies

Changed the default image to dbn and added notation;

removed that image of me 'apparantly' drinking red wine which was cranberry juice FYI which also 'apparantly' noone liked
added Intro h4
Added gltf

Changed all instances of ImageViewer (js and css) from local to arcaneww.com
Fixed some images dirs in PC building where PC/ was missing
Added the Zalman HSF pic to PCBuilding

Changed the source of ImageViewer from local to arcaneww.com in Image.cshtml

Added a extra picture and description at the bottom of pc building

Added a few extra pictures at the bottom of pentest

Added ivygreen scroll css and attached to HTML
Added green scroll css and attached to both versions of salcalc
removed flags and year columns from salcalc and added to description there and in footer

Added GLEW to uni/ictp

Happy 2023!
White Scrollbars for PC Building & Changelog
changed html and css images in index to html 5 and css 3 respectively
added css media queries to index
added justinbentley.dev reference in index (coming soon)
added a disclaimer near the footer of index
added justinbentley.dev to navbar
Upgraded ImageViewer to 2.4 from arcaneww.com

Merry Christmas from justinbentley.net!
Changed the background gradient on Image & Ping from some disasterous radial gradient

added GL links to /links

vlog, skillset scroll & backshadow color updated
_layout footer; changed react.jbn >> jbn.ai
for all those funkadelic edge and ios users;
-webkit scrollbar colors are now applied in site.css
and CSS/Injects/ through _Layout.js/scrollbar_timeout() which is accessed though a razor if in _Layout.cshtml which is accessed through viewbag in (currently) pentest & wincmd
Changed Razor image

added skillset/wincmd
similar to justinbentley.net banner change
added scrollbar animated color change viewbag>>layout.html>>layout.js
added selective banner text shadow change
added color change to pentest
TODO: merge css in wincmd

index images min-height for lazy loading
TODO-DONE: Edge/Safari scroll theme.

More Images

Overode the scrollbar color in FF
TODO-DONE: Scrollbar color edge etc
TODO: Fullscreen Button
TODO: RGB Hex Converter
Added new heading other tech in jbn series
Added many more badges and images
Added titles

Added jbn.ai to navbar
Added target="_blank" to li and namcheap link on freelance

Reordered the Navbar, removed placeholder tiles
Removed flex from mnbtn_inner;
Reworked Websites section
Added arcaneww
Updated HTML#a from _blank to iv.js

TODO: target="blank" >> Link/Links

IPDiag.css .ipdiag_cont line-height: 1.2 >> 1.05;
Image.css #id_jbn_cont height: calc(100vh - (3vw + 182px));
Fixes white bar beneath footer
added .middle_h4_half to common
changed heading in image .middle_h4 >> .middle_h4_half
TODO: rename Image.css to PeachTheme.etc
TODO: perhaps make >100vh css

Changed IPDiag >> IPDiag/Ping in title, nav
Routes for ~/image, imageviewer, iv, ip & visitorlog
Image now autostarts .js script

Added to ping.js
Added priority high to ipdiag Request
TODO: IPdiag actual Controller, Utility >> Service

Moved IPDiag from Utilities >> Services

Added 2 new divs to IPDiag
Added new .js script Ping
Linked Ping to IPDiag

TODO: fully qualified name in meta og:image
added some extra to Image
added rel="noreferrer" to namecheplink in freelance
Image, added ul.cli_od padding-left: 10px; inline
Image, added no double tap nor two finger zoom message
_Layout, blanked RGBHex

added middle_h4 to common.css
added apple-mobile-web-app-capable to meta head
ImageViewer.js upgraded to version 1.6
At a pinch, only lacks ios fullscreen (perhaps not doable) and/or ios overflow
ImageViewer.css upgraded to version 1.1

TODO-DONE: IV, pos not resetting after muliple images on VIC (for instance), though resets on beach, left-top !reset after !terminate
TODO-DONE: IV, zoom !fullscreen !centre, set to screen !window
TODO-DONE: IV, 100%, dangling v old code
TODO: SalCalc rgb(32, 255, 44);
TODO-DONE: IV, jbn get image problems, /cough /cough recompile
TODO: IV, mouse speed slider

TODO-DONE * brbr >> commonlayout.css, p, !br & ul.cli_od
Uni OK
Freelance OK
PC Building OK
Home OK
ImageViewer NOT DONE
ChangeLog NOT DONE

TODO-DONE * img anchor href >> ImageViewer
Uni OK
Freelance OK
Pentest OK
PC Building OK
Home OK

Added .reverse_h4 to commonlayout
Added a final paragraph to Freelance
CommonLayout, h3 h4 margin-bottom: 40px;
ul.cli_od li::before margin-right: 10px;
TODO: commonlayout p try reduce margins
TODO-DONE: remove br under h3's
Rolled out a hotfix on IV to return user to scroll height after use
TODO-DONE: IV, height offset, not scroll to top
TODO: 16_9_img

added Image.css and styled
button1 now known as navbeam_holder
css >> background: none; to override changes made from Image View
& .mnbtn_title_inner >> text-shadow: none;
Added MyIP and RGBHex to nav
Created Utility Controller
Created Utility/IPConfig
TODO: ipconfig, ping 8888 and provide location (in JS)
TODO: Razor length check on IP (for ipv6) and change font-size
Added whatismyipaddress to usefull links
Made AWS Console higher in links
TODO: IV, centre zoom only if image in centre of screen
TODO: make my own scroll bar
TODO-DONE: Utility Controller
TODO: Transfer to Utility Controller

TODO-DONE: Imageviewer, full screen, reset topleft
TODO: Salcalc color
TODO-DONE: React, uni/uni tab >> uni/uni and pic
TODO-DONE: React, image viewer tab

Added div, id nav_tail trailing end of catalogue buttons
Added a setTimeout poll of nav_tail height to set catalogue to if greater than footer
No longer a white background on nav if body > footer
TODO-DONE(above): catalogue height >> footer || footer >> height

Changed some wording and layout to Services/Image
Launced ImageViewer.js v1.2 using centrepoint_zoom
Dabbled with touchscreen but need to wait for full screen demand

New Version of ImageViewer.js (copied from rjbn, due to live server)
ICTP now uses ImageViewer.js
TODO-DONE: sync cat to footer || navmenu whichever greater

Major ImageViewer event listener and mouse functionality fixes and refactor

Created ImageViewer.js

Added maxlength to message field
TODO: Salcalc
ViewBag.BackPanel 1-4

SalCalc1 ViewBag.BackPanel = "#0F0";

Homepage backpanel rgb(159, 202, 62) >> rgb(122, 151, 103)
Will probably take a while now (i have something else to do) but CExchange added in layout
TODO: Cliod ictp
TODO: exchange rate currency converter;
exchange rate api integration
rate update no more than 8 times per day
rates stored in db
maybe webgl flags (Y = sin(X + 0-1)) and currency symbols
maybe using three.js

Salcalc .sc_field::placeholder {} and mq
Added second mq to SalCalc, which operates placeholder only
removed inlines for out_box_text, placed in css
added out_box_text to mq
will probably work on it more later

Salcalc now has hours/week input
Solution for iframes, added to img169.css, oddly similar to img
.row overridden in salcalc, padding l r 0.5vw mq max-width 150 >> 250, but failed on landscape salcalc3 so reverted TODO: look into iframe letterboxing, might be a mismatch with border-width
TODO-DONE: absolute hours has a hardcode
TODO-DONE: disclaimer
TODO-DONE: iframes
NOTE: justinbentley.net slowing down

added class iframe_text to skillset frame and placed def in 16_9
created pentest.css and pentest specifics transferred
p was already implemented (but different margins) so switched to and added common
lets_burn a font-style italic was a redefinition, deleted
placed pentest scripts in _layout.js
created backpanel_color as a callable function
loaded in the footer of layout
routed through viewbag
lot of backpanels were implemented, inc salcal
index, about me changed back to h4
changed Viewbag.Title from PCBuilding >> PC Building
and ViewBag.BackPanel = "#FFF"; added 1 mq to salcalc.css (ref sc3), less than 150 width, looks better on phone portrait
TODO-DONE: surprisingly in sc3 the navbar is terminated but the new backpanel is not ;)
TODO: change CommonLayout to Common.css
TODO: check transition/js modifyable meta theme, prob not though
TODO: lot of srcsets, dbn too
TODO-DONE-FOR-NOW: salcalc might need a different font system
TODO: salcalc focus border color
TODO: pentest ios iframe nofocus
TODO: index badges SM

href for uni in _layout, uni/uni >> uni/, and routed
fixed a lot of links in Uni
set pentest norobots null (in viewbag)
fixed uni description
TODO-DONE: check descriptions on the newer views
TODO: put srcbp in _layout;

Bit of metawork
fixed the ul li on freelance
added the #id_jbn_nav_cont closing div tag and also changed it to header
As nav text size decreased deleted word-wrap directives;
Reimplemented break-work due to reasons it was implemented in the first place, the notorious sidescolling webpage ;)
#id_jbn_nav_cont { word-break: normal; }
changed id footer1 >> id_jbn_footer, and in a lot of js places
removed class footer1 from jbn footer
changed css from .footer1 >> footer
removed large surrounding div (and body) tags in index
changed id mainbody >> id_mainbody
removed a second calling of site.css, thx vs
set up a system to load css in _layout through viewbag for all views
similar system set up for js though loaded in the footer section of _layout
Added SalCalc3.css and transferred style's
Added .imgtitle { border-top: 0; }
Index common.css and P system
Added Uni view
jbn/uni routed to jbn/uni/uni

TODO: change uni/uni to uni/intro
TODO-DONE: uni/.ula, going to sleep zzzzzzzzzzz
TODO: PenTest has a lot of inline style, scripts may be a job in itself, also merge into layout?
TODO: try razor srcbp1 in 16_9.css?
TODO-DONE: index would look nice with the p system
TODO: add last publish to footer
TODO: Reroutes for url controllers ie justinbentley.net/Services >> 404, maybe custom errors

navlink borders >> 1px
changed the format of external heading on navbar
Added freelance section to services
Changed Redirects and created a dedicated controller
Changed unilayout to commonlayout.css
TODO: layout, change text brightness on ios

navlink borders >> 1px
linkbutton_cont; padding: 0 0.2vw !important; linkbutton; margin: 0.4vw 0 0 0; removed style="margin-top:3px;" from home btn row class
TODO: mq, navlink borders 1px per retina scale
VIC srcset
VIC css
VIC alt's
ICTP srcset
ICTP css
ICE css
GPT css
TODO: inline styles

Now has the P based css
P is implemented, (from br ;) live you learn i guess)
srcset is throughout, moving on to VIC, should work much better on a mobile
TODO: In eg VIC if your using anchors you could set ALL images lazy, its safe ;)
TODO-DONE: Everything in the head sections of views, say css imports, might want to be connected through view bag to _layout, as opposed to declaring two heads
TODO-DONE: navbtn and img borders >> calc(rnd(Xvw));
Set a more aggressive width ratio for linkbutton fontsize, much smaller for mobile
Disabled dangling title border-width setting
Created new border-width value for all linkbuttons
New border width for iframe and img
All mentioned border-width's remain the same size under zoom
TODO-DONE: navlink button height
Abandoned height for navlinks, set padding: 4px 0 4px 0;
mnbtn_inner width, height 130% >> 100%
TODO-DECLINED: change color ios landscape mode white side bars, can be done (like portfolio), looks awefull
Placed inline stlye from jbnnavcont in layout to css
TODO: go through everything and place inline styles in css
TODO-DONE: img, iframe and navlink borders all too small on ios

Creating a picture srcset standard and downsized image formats, seems to me the best option for the latter is jpeg(for images not text), not a downsized resolution but jpeg and a (probably variable) amount of compression
Added razor 'global variable' to declare the bp once for all <picture> srcset blocks
TODO: As my version of srcset depends on width (for now atleast) people using full zoom will be forced to view low quality images, arguments either way but consider making global font higher, after all the people who prefer small text (who are not I) can zoom out w/o repercussion.
Alternatives to this version of srcset is to use 2x (retina resolution scaling), or (potentially) device type, could also have a hq lq image toggle in menu, may be more.

Added a farewell image to ictp
Added quotes to the razor anchor creator in HTML.cshtml to accomodate '<picture> srcset'
TODO: Change CSS HTML Badges
TODO-DONE: VIC needs srcset
TODO: Hmm freeware srcset creator?
TODO: OGLx64 needs a space scene
TODO: Consider a custom scroll bar

Added a lot to VIC post submission
Added 🔝 to footer
New Stickers on Landing Page and a small extra blurb
Added Razor Syntax to Skillset
TODO-DONE: Very liable to need srcset

Added the two 4K (FPS) images to ICTP
Added ogimage to all in the Uni series, pentest & PCBuilding
TODO-DONE: might want to consider srcset
TODO: VIC MT1 jump slightly off prob needs br
TODO-DONE: Ios navlinks are/were all blue text

title ie Mt1 changed from h4 >> h3
Added jump-anchor system
Added some to MT2
TODO: pls change to {p} system, not {br} pls
but, UniLayout.css created and p system used from here on in VIC, just needs a retrofit
TODO: get better homer pic
TODO: go through alt texts
TODO: try the jump after the h4

TODO-DONE: VIC and a lot more need a meta image
Added a new image to ICTP

TODO-DONE: NavMenu string length has been increased, will need a media query to compensate on mobile (CSS)
Added Redirect's heading in layout
Added redirects, controllers/routes to youtube and academic transcript
Added ChristmasII to external and renamed Christmas to ChristmasI
TODO: Make og:theme darker

TODO: Review Skillset/SEO, Security
TODO: Add 🦠 virus data recovery etc to skillset, or not
TODO: Phishing to security

Added SEO and Accesibility to Skillset

type justinbentley.net/ytchannel to have your browser controlled to my awesome youtube porfolio!!
Added a youtube channel link to navbar

Added more to ICTP
TODO: Articles (ie ICE, PT) need a common CSS and to implement the new p system
TODO: Iframes need a media query, specifically make higher on >1000 width

TODO: Articles (ie ICE, PT) need a common CSS and to implement the new p system
of which p changed to margin: 10px 0 22px 0;
Uni/ICE mostly finalised
Added og:image to ICE

Preparing Circuitry Youtube's for ICE
ALTER-TABLE, Vlog Message size has been increased
SQL ''routines'' Message size has been increased
VLog.cs, Message size increased accordingly

Added SQL References in Links
Animated buttons in VLog
Added Information sections to VLog

Added OpenGLFPMoonrakerSpaceStation iframne to VIC/MT1
Added iframne to VIC/MT2 starting section
Added alt tags to Salcalc flags
TODO-DONE: SalCalc description exceeds 160 char by a lot
TODO: Security/SQL Injection rewrite
TODO: Test async / defer in js sections, dont think it will make much difference
TRY: Added Microsoft webmaster meta tag
removed name="description" from property="og:description"
splitting name="description" & property="og:description"

Added enableVersionHeader="false" to X Powered By header for published ASP.NET version

It's a secret 🤫
Added id="id_justinbentleynet" to justinbentleynet classed' element
Added id="mainbody" to _layout body element
Added ViewBag NoRobots index/noindex toggle in _layout

BUG: Skillset.cshtml, Razor;
a name=@item.Title >> a name="@item.Title";
now wrapped in string therefore now work links such as
justinbentley.net/Skillset#SQL Security (with a space, in the url)

TODO: header1 needs a rename

Added aria-label to secret calculate buttons on salcalc
Deleted Home/About and Contact Views
Deleted SalaryCalculator controller and View (Legacy Version)
Removed Modernizer through Nuget
Added text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgb(x, x, x); to bordercol_sec
TODO: Skillset.css needs cleanup
TODO: Animate VLog buttons

TODO-DECLINED: Strip out JQuery, add bs5, again;
Got working
Adds reboot.css
col-xs does not exist (cause their 'mobile-first' and xs is the default, which means its col-*)
inactivates html/css collapse class
perhaps too much overhead to implement

added title's to iframes in SalCalc³
added alt tags to all images
added aria-label to buttons w/o a (descriptive) text individual meta.description's to all pages
html >> html lang="en-au" >> html lang="en"
meta name="theme-color" content="rgb(100,150,255)"
removed framborder=1, clipboardwrite, pip in iframes, supposably not supported in html5
added label tags to visitorlog input fields and txt
added viewbag.description to all pages
iframe's >> loading=lazy, opps
navbutton + aria-label="jb nav button"
skset/html/index aria-label="Show Index"
Stripped a lot of css from _layout.css

TODO-REQUIRES DUPLICATION IN SALCALC: Move viewbags to the controller
TODO-DONE: Delete unused Views (never stops does it?)
TODO: Skillset background alpha changed, temporarily
TODO-DONE: SalCalc hidden buttons
TODO-OH NO: penalised from google.embed iframe due to CORS blocking ad-links 😱

from; text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgb(x, x, x);
to; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgb(x, x, x);

Added ICTP View;
Skillset/skillset lower text change/update
Added Skillset/skillset/GLSL
Skillset and HTML theme change;
added font-family: serif; to skset_btn; added css sks_title and included;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgb(84, 26, 98);

text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgb(84, 26, 98); added to skset_button
background-color: rgba(1,1,1,0.3); added to bodercol_sks
added background-color: rgba(1,1,1,0.3); to bordercol_html (TODO: needs a rename) & sec_h3 (TODO: needs a rename) TODO: Skillset css revamp
TODO-DONE: img169 iframe css

Small update to ICE,
ICE now has a youtube iframe
TODO: CSS ICE iframe
TODO-DONE: Uni set youtube iframes

Added some comments to 16_9_img.css
Added br in between img on Uni/ICE
Added new class & styling to the changelog heading
TODO-NO: consider remove L+R border from header images
TODO: Revamp & prepare skillset

3rd state of nav link buttons :active for both text (currently webkit) and border
:focus continues untill load though (webkit) text unresponsive
TODO-DONE: onclick JS for (above) element to lock in :active css state,
instead used :active, :focus
TODO: consider removing jquery
TODO: Major CSS cleanout on _layout

TODO-DONE: navbeam shadow inherit, outer :hover, navbuttons ! independant;
javascript mouse listeners, class add/remove
increased alpha value of (above)
TODO: svg text for navbar
Added Skillset/PCBuilding
added Viewbag.HeadingOverride;
override of the lolower method for the main heading
will probably do a blurb later
really wish I had a dslr :(
layout css justinbentleynet;
font-size 13.333 + 1.333 >> 12.22 + 1.222
padding-right: 0px !important;

Added razor if-statement
if meta viewbag.image
else meta image default
Added viewbag.image and referred SC3.png
Removed leading ~ from viewbag.image

Added SalCalc3 to navbar
Added SalCalc3 View
Added SalCalc3 to navbar
Added id "id_jbn_navbar" to main header in _layout
Added id "id_jbn_footer_txt" to footer text in _layout
Added id "id_jbn_cont"
Added id "id_sc_cont"
Removed container & body-content classes from SalCalc(1)

Added kill script for id "id_jbn_navbar" & footer text in SalaryCalculator.js IF in iframe, also forced footer height much larger
Added font-size: 1em; to sc_field to override bootstrap
Switched to em for font, added em for smaller buttons and a js style media query

Small update to Home/About Me, and a spell check;
Really finishing up here, what will I do?

ICE header img anchor fixed;
TODO: animate vlog buttons

Added Refresh button
NOTE: < angle brackets entered surrounding text will trigger an exception produced due to [ValidateInput(true)] in 😉 SocialController
@item.Message now wrapped in pre tags, now whitespace and newlines are rendered
changed postition of tags in razor-view to avoid trailing whitespace
Added duplicate message protection
TODO: skillset/reactjs

Some update to Home/About Me
Added Skillset/HTML#<pre>

DevOps: viewbag.title tolower function reporting errors on event viewer on server, reports from GPT (but also others) but I guess it may be coming from when _ViewStart.cshtml loads which includes a reference to _Layout.cshtml or error.cshtml, seems uncommon silent error was happening in the background. Does not happen immediatly after app startup.
Fix: Also: checked all views for viewbag.titles, only error.cshtml was it not present.
Remarks: back to devops..

Added Vlog Model, View & Controller
SQL DB Connecterd & Active
TODO: Deactivate return to send
TODO-DONE: Message box needs to grow
MBoard (message board) >> VLog (visitor log)
VLog message input >> textarea

Skillset NPM:
added (under construction)
added center css class

*** starting to finalise this site for the meantime ;( ***

TODO: nav buttons >> <svg><txt>
RouteConfig Map ~/salcalc >> ~/Services/SalaryCalculator
changed React >> External
Sub, changed Home >> Portfolio
Christmas url change
react.justinbentley.net/Seasonsgreetings >>

Added NPM View
Added react.justinbentley.net to footer
removed a class="" from footer ⚓'s

Happy New Years
added external and links to my other react based site
added npm
swapped order of services and skillset;

added ⚓ to Skillset/HTML#img #lazyloading
added whatis? lazyloading paragraph
decoupled HTML#picture from #img
Added MENU label to bottom navbeam, though wasnt impressed so limbo'd it

1ST MAJOR BUG: of all os' webkit function broken on ios, _Layout button text gradient enabled only FF,CH,ED as ios makes the text invisible, need to call a friend on this one, and an apple, problem may be related to element inside element
CARE: going to switch @support from SELECT FF,ED,CH >> NOT APPL, so effects on macintosh and android are ambiguous

added BASIC to skillset
visual upgrade of navbar collapsable
wouldnt work on ios so had to be disabled _layout.css/@support

cleanup salcalc.js
changed if (document.getElementById("mod_supercalc")

TODO: strip validation to universal function
TODO: per day error dialog populates not error msg

Skillset.css/.title_sec {
border-top-style: double;
margin-top: 6px;

Mathmatical fun for the day, rather use calc(log(9vw));
9===calc(30px + 3vw)
4 13.3r 1.3r
8 26.6r 2.6r
1 3.3r 0.3r
6 20 2
1.6 5.3r 0.53r
0.2 0.6r 0.06r
0.3 1 0.1
turns out if you multiply a recursive number
you gert a recursive number unless the number
is a fraction of three;)
very serendipitously i got calc(1 & 1/10)

.justinbentley.net {
padding-bottom: calc(3.333px + 0.333vw);
.navbeam {
height: calc(6px + 0.6vw);
.nav_btn (ex button1) {
padding-top: calc(2.222px + 0.222vw);
.header1 {
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #000 80%, #6496FF 100%);
TODO: Major cleanup needed
TODO: Skillset series needs padding-top:

.header1 {
height: 9vw;MARK
.justinbentleynet {
display: flex;
height: 100%;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
font-size: 4vw;MARK
.button1 >> .nav_btn
.nav_btn {
padding-top: 0px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
display: flex;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
margin: 0px;
justify-content: start;
align-items: center;
width: 8vw;MARK
flex-direction: column;
padding: 0px;
padding-top: 1vw;MARK
.nav_btn_outer {
height: 100%;
.navbeam {
width: 6vw;MARK
height: 1.6vw;MARK
margin: 0.2vw;HOLD
border-style: double;
border-width: 0.3vw;HOLD
box-shadow: 0.1px 1.2px 2.0px 1.0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.sc_field {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.sc_output {
padding: 9 >> 0;
(iphone scale support)
.sc_field/height: 40 >> 42
.sc_button/height: 40 >> 42
TODO: Salcalc.css cleanup

ran day string through the backend
TODO: flex box, row layout
TODO: remove testing shadow in layout

Big salcalc cleanup (otherwise known as Moore's tock)
stripped <script> out of salcalc.cshtml
and placed into salcalc.js, in order to do that;
if (@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.mod_calcperhour)) === true) { had to become
if (document.getElementById("mod_calcperhour").getAttribute('value') === 'true') {
<input name="mod_calcperhour" id="mod_calcperhour" type="hidden" value="false" /> had to become
<input name="mod_calcperhour" id="mod_calcperhour" type="hidden" value=@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.mod_calcperhour)) />
and values verified in the Model constructor

major facelift on salcalc
changed js in sal calc to invoke css classes as opposed to hardcoded colors
.sc_output padding changed 9>>0 fine unless using right align
TODO: remove init
TODO: boot timer
TODO: SQL integration for tax brackets
TODO: strip sc_button_toggle use only persist through constructor TODO: flex box's
TODO: strip js from salcalc to seperate file
TODO: PA and PH are backwards
TODO: place place security and skillset models in skillset dir
TODO: salcalc container needs a min height, like lazy-load

justinbentley.net - Page set font ie 5vw
set nav backing ie 3vh
note: very dependant on site.css/.container/width: 100% ie body sticks to sides of page
TODO:perhaps give salcalc & the skillset series a glassy / figma makeover
(ie windows vista aero, i can totally do that ;) )

Site Error Testing before push/publish
Small update to Uni/ICE
Solved CS0012 reference to assembly mscorlib error by installing Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compatibility through NuGet, turns out there is an old library somewhere that uses this "old" style of .dll referencing
TODO: Razor errortag / HtmlDecode helper function
TODO: (again) remove published .net version to avoid bot attack

Performed NuGet update and had critical issues with bootstrap and jQuery
Rolled bootstrap and jQuery back to the previous versions

changed navbutton image
added text-shadow to justinbentley.net
removed padding
added nbsp justinbentley.net&\nbsp;-&\nbsp;@ViewBag.Temp
break space long lines
added class="row" to heading oops
fixed padding etc

added box-shadow to navbutton
added navbar image hover and active states

Swapped Service & Uni order
Changed navbar "buttons" link & collapse from buttons to inline block anchors or html.actionlink autoanchors, added linkbutton class to actionlink and replicated button padding and borders
Changed collapse inline blocks back to buttons and implemented flex display type

TODO: include aria-role button

.a:hover, a:focus
text-decoration underline >> none
then overriden by .btn_link:hover

font-style: italic;
display: inline-block;
padding-top: 6px;
border-style: groove;
switched to display:flex removed padding-top upon changing collapse buttons back to buttons, added
display: flex;
text-align: center;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;

.btn title link down
added explicit border color/s (safari support)
added :hover overrides w/ transparancy
color: rgba(100,150,255,0.5);
border-color: rgba(100,150,255,0.5);
text-decoration: none;

skillset/security, vb title SecurityManual >> security as would wrap badly under zoomed safari
_layout justinbentley.net - pageuron has razor if any lower char then tolower else SQL becomes sql erg but Home becomes justinbentley.net - home
.linkbutton borderstyle groove>>ridge

Site.css; added word-break: break-word; to body to prevent overflow, and solved the floating body issue on iphone (phew)
Catalogue(navbar); added word-break:normal; override (life of devops ^^)
.linkbutton; padding: 0px; removes padding inside navbuttons
TODO: nav buttons seem out of alignment

HTML; Razor foreach cyclical index system

Add onclick anchors to Uni Series; a href target blank
TODO: HTML#img needs attention
sandwitched end tag after model.item.x in cshtml, newline adds a space at the end on page

all skillset views, set anchor same as title in razor
working on HTML
TODO: HTML#<img> razor expand box
TODO: text alignment
_Layout; SoftComp>>Soft (with a change in min width for ios 15 safari zoom comes unforseen challenges)
ChangeLog: Added Heading

Controller change; SalaryCalculator >> Services
Set redirect message on old controller and left active
footer message is now ul
small change to first li
set margin of ul
displayed calculation figures for week hours and year weeks
Added Secret other Calculate button
Added per annum or per hour buttons
Set the buttons, set the js, set the mod vars, added to persist, corrected the mod
TODO: Implement global WeekHours Variable

Nav Button;
padding: 0px;
height: 40>>36px;
width: 40>>36px;
background-size: 38>>34px;
margin-top: 5>>7px;

TESTING(for skew)!!: reduce global min width(iphone zoom support)
outer div margin: 0px;
inner div margin: auto; max-width: 600px;
Changed order of string checking in SalCalc, fixed an error
added per hour input
reactivate string check, string not checked as nan returned
Removed "Wish I were you ;)", soz
Swapped view order of super and gross

Security - Added anchor tags (in the .cs, as its a razor for-loop),

Still working on HTML
Subtitle Skillset>>Tech

Added HTML View under Skillset Tree

separated border color css for skillset items- bordercol_sks

Skillset Branch;
TODO: Refactor and clean Skillset branch
Added new style to the Skillset branch
Removed class=row
Seperated CSS for bordercolor in Skillset & Security Views
Removed style font style from skillset code desc in view >> CSS

Some change & spellchecked Index/About Me blurb
Added AWS Lightsail Image to Index

TODO: Remove Home/Contact & About Views
TODO: Consider removing particular packet responce headers

Created new View "Security"
Added Skillset Catalogue in _Layout

Added a secret string check to salcal salary entry

Reorder & Reclassification of Useful Links
Small reorder on Home page
TODO: Skillset BASIC

TODO: Salcalc hourly Gross

justinbentley.net - ChangeLog
TODO: Medicare levy?, Dont calculate tax?
TODO: Navbutton, not everyone knows to click it

Added SLL certificate
URL rewrite all http traffic >> https
Added IIS rewrite rule to local web.config to prevent publish overwrite
Updated internal links from http >> https://justinbentley.net

Append View to jb.net ie justinbentley.net - SalCalc header
Removed some view titles due to above
Moved first uni images above titles and out of "row"
Changed main padding from 15>>10px
index sticker images css
TODO: 16_9_img.css
TODO: index stickers

Image Dilema is solved, See CSS/16_9_img.css
Alternatively the command min-height: 56vw; preallocates img as 56% of the view width and its implemented (for 16/9 images using the class img169{})
.img min-height is no longer linked to Site/.container{min-width}
Styles.Render("~/Content/Site.css") commented out, nice one microsoft ;)
TODO: Set min device width and/or autozoom / (at)media
TODO/DONE: Append View to jb.net ie justinbentley.net - SalCalc header
TODO: Uni etc VBag descriptions
TODO/DONE: index sticker images css
TODO: fancy layout label (help label for Uni expand)
TODO: message board & database
TODO/DONE: SSL (again)

containing css classes for 16x9 img views
width: 100%;
min-height: 210px;
max-height: 100%;
border: 5px solid black;
(note min-height is linked to Site/.container{min-width})
img entries now only include loading tag,
class descriptor and url,
and removed top image lazy loads

css called in head tag in View

CSS per controller;

CSS implemented for skill, sal, home and naming refactors

TODO: Change instances of SalaryCalculator to SalCalc
TODO/DONE: set img169 min height to 16x9 of device width, probably using CSS calc() func or maybe js onload
TODO/DONE: Site.css loaded twice upon page load
TRY: use VBag to load css in _Layout, see if better as may need foreach eventually increasing overhead

.main_container{min-width: 350>>400px;}
-may exceed old device width
-allows a small zoom of img under intese zoom
as 350 old value, due to img width 100%
-halts loaded image skew depending on below
(set in Site.css, container inst in layout)
img{ min-height: 215px;
max-height: 100%; }
works for now
TRY: div with padding-bottom: 56.25%;
and set img absolute

TODO/DONE: uni.css
TODO/DONE: remove ALL top image lazy loads

inc, image height preallocate
Added OG:Bio Description
Added more & more to Skillset

Spellcheck and add

Changed the order of catalogue to

Migrated a third entry into the skillsets
Made new entry collapsable
Populated some new entries Some manner of spellchecking etc
TODO: Review JavaScript

XML Clone
Added prototype populate from txt file

Skillset opened up
Skillset Added inc,
Model add-list
cshtml foreach & css
all blue

.mainouter {
margin-top: 3px;
margin-bottom: 3px;

.row {
padding-left: 5px !important;
padding-right: 5px !important;
(trial, maybe transfer to site) }

TODO: *.css
TODO: Layout viewbag, append page viewbag,
either viewbag or JS

SalCalc; .sc_output text-align: end;
output fields now sent as text and formatted (in model)
If input rejected no longer formats output (what can i say)
TBA has duplicate formatted str array
Rate >> Cents in Dollar & formatted
TODO: look into return of above

All instances of "col-xs-12" actually removed, fixes double padding(why, no idea)

Hard JS to set Persist_TaxBrackets from model (value=@Model Bug)
link og:image through viewbag
Master Icon

Readd some menu
SalCalc is now Persistant
Load Bracket button and fuctionality
Tax Brackets load upon object/page creation
Unlinked Skillset
Some buttons removed from catalogue
Added a small PS: under About

Changed active buttons from red text to gold
Silent error, null/0 super rate dialog
Check for null salary entered
Output fields changed from col 4-8 to col 5-7

.js to set height of catalogue to footer
TCalc catalogue replaced with SalCalc button
Removed container body-content" above RenderBody, resolves
container body-content inside container body-content
(on second thought) readded container body-content to Layout
and removed from all other views.
(site).container min-width: 350px; (probably better in body TODO)
header container style="padding:0px;(redundant)
Footer now includes row tag
Footer is now black and include padding-top
.body padding-bottom: margin: 0px;
Solvesd dissapearing margin issue
Solved flimsy and excess width on catalogue
All views are synchronised and uniform
Removed ALL instances of col-xs-12
.collapse & #collapseCatalogue
padding,margin = 0px
(was multiple sites)
(Site.css).row {
padding-left: 15px !important;
padding-right: 15px !important;

Researched and redied a Database (and suitable aws instance)

Technologies used (bottom of home/about me page)
Uni/ICE is in progress and linked

Salary Calculator (in full)

Skillset controller(new)
~/Skillset & ~/Skillset/Skillset
resolves to
Index >> Skillset
Uni Controller(new) hosts GPT, VIC ~/Uni routs to ~/Home respective changes in navbar routing -Uni View (initially VIC & Commented)
IIS reconfigure to accept multiple hostnames
Navbar Expand Button
Navbutton img active for all pages
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
excess/commented removed
-min-height: 100%;
-height: max-content;
-width: 1000px;
-opacity: 80%; >> color rgba
-color: white;
margin-top: 2px;
margin-bottom: 2px;
-padding-left: 1px;
-padding-right: 1px;
.linkbutton_cont (new)
col-xs-3 col-sm-2 >> col-xs-3 (trial)
padding-left: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
(collapsing no-anim not across the board)
display:none;) >>
#collapseCatalogue (new)
position:absolute; (so happy :) )
(L margin anim)(now R margin anim)
min-width: 110%;
margin-left: -20px;
padding-left: 20px;
Removed a lot of commented code & cleanup in Layout
_Layout.css and transfer
GPT, Home VB title abbreviation (?)

fixed some big nuisances
switched Uni view to VIC
position:relative; (*,*)
width:100%;(change for in-the-middle pages)
.collapsing display:none;

Total delete of ASP.NET default navbar and redo in bootstrap
Added Navbar reference to TCalc (Annual Salary breakdown calculator)
Added Skillset View
Images loading="lazy"

Introduced Changelog
Home/Image/Justin >> JustinII

Added CLog View (this page)
Added GPT View

.navbar: position: fixed >> absolute;
effect: navbar scrolls up w/ rest of page

Major Navbar Work / Overhaul
Navbar in a Navbar


Consider populating Super
Consider making SalCalc Dynamic
Verify SalCalc Controllers
Viewbag in header

image class(NEED CSS LIB)
image min-width &| img on-click
SSL Certificate
Layout, link >> button on-click(CONSIDERING)

Add Mailing List (?)
Add Message board


refactor of class names in _layout/navbar(DONE)
margin padding navbar(DONE)
nav img dir (~)(DONE)
.catalogue height(DONE)
.txt >> Model >> View
Add ISE View(DONE)
two decimel points
verify PositiveInfinity