justinbentley.net - 3D
Digital Elevation Model
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) or HeightField, rendered myself using my own code in C++ and OpenGL.

3D Rendering

How do I know 3D?

When I was at University my favorite unit was called Visual & Interactive Computing and it was an elective. It was all about 3D Graphics, C++ and OpenGL. It was also the unit where I attained my highest mark, 92/100.

What do I know about 3D Programming?

Heightfields / HeightMaps / Digital Elevation Models Importers & Renderers

Translates, Scales and Rotates within code

Models created in code using Translates, Scales, Rotates and Primatives (cube, spheres, etc)

Animation of models by using Rotates at specific points with stored variables and specific Mathematic logic

Models in Autodesk Maya and Blender

C++ Importers for the Autodesk Maya file format .obj

Movement of Models using Local Origin

Collision Detection Mathematics

Granularity, Collision Detection by breaking up a jump in movement into smaller parts

Created movement of Objects, halted movement using Collisions and really most world logic there is

Solved Venetian Blinding (or ZFighting, flickering between two polygons) by using the near/far plane, depth buffer or (preferably) syncing the polygons together

Knowledgable of OpenGL (or simply 3D Renderer) functionality such as Draw Rotation (winding order) and Depth Buffer (hidden cull), how and why it culls faces and its associated quirks

Normals; vertex or face

Vectors and Vector Normalization

Lighting & Materials; Specular, Diffuse, Emmisive, etc

Textures, Mip-Maps, Sprite Sheets & UV Mapping

GLSL Shaders

VR display using modern OpenGL framebuffers and the SteamVR (openvr.h) libraries

VR device co-ordinate and roll, pitch, yaw angle reading, rendering and recording. Such as the Tai Chi Masters hands replayed live (and compared to) in VR Tai Chi (ICTP)

Sending a framebuffer to both a VR Headset and also the Computer Monitor

OpenGL Legacy 1.2, OpenGL 4.4+, GLSL, WebGL, three.js

What have I done with 3D?

VIC (mentioned above) was create a Game World from scratch in C++ and old-style OpenGL.

ICTP, (the project unit) I took it upon myself to repeat the process of making a Game World from scratch in C++ though this time in Modern OpenGL (including GLSL Shaders) and display and recieve input through VR devices.

jbn.ai, a website written in JavaScript, WebGL, three.js and GLSL Shaders, and coupled seamlessly with the CSS, HTML frontend.

Would you like to know more?

Webpage on VIC

Webpage on ICTP

Digital Elevation Model / Heightfields
justinbentley.net/uni/VIC#Marked Tutorial II

1.5 hour walkthrough of OpenGL 1.2 (youtube)

.obj Mesh (Autodesk Object) Importer (youtube)

Autodesk Maya (youtube)

Microsoft© Bubbles Screensaver Clone (youtube)

jbn.ai (3D Website)