justinbentley.net - visitorlog

Visitor Log, Leave a message

No angle brackets (< >), No HTML, Date Y/M/D, Time is UTC, emoji's OK 😉
vincent : 2023-07-13, 1:07:32.222 AM
very cool websites

(vincent wuz here)
Jasper Cherry : 2022-11-16, 10:52:57.127 PM
Love the switching colors! 
Aiden Faulconer : 2022-01-26, 5:52:53.340 PM
Love this website!  Your the best programmer buddy anyone could ask for :)
Judy O'Dea : 2022-01-23, 4:19:38.762 PM
Brilliant job.  So easy to find my way around.
Sonam : 2022-01-20, 7:31:56.112 PM
Hola,  I love your web site. Its amazing, i can see all your hard work in it. very very proud of you.  Now its time to show you are!!!  All the best@_@
justinbentley.net : 2022-01-20, 7:03:52.839 PM
feel free to leave a message
Michael : 2022-01-20, 7:03:52.839 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-20, 7:03:52.824 PM
Hello World!!!!
justinbentley.net : 2022-01-20, 6:58:54.168 PM
**testing complete**
iOS : 2022-01-20, 6:57:09.247 PM
Ugg, why does my text box not grow 🪴? 🍄
🧐emoji delivery service 🚚 : 2022-01-20, 6:55:37.935 PM
🖤 🥶👻👽😱👾🎃👲🏻👩‍🎤👨‍🚀🥷🏻🧚🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️🪡🥾⛑🦤🦚🕊🌛☃️🍌🌽🍖🍷🍷🍷🏈⛸🎲🎯🛻🛫🚊🚢🗿⛲️🏭🛢🛠💣💈🎈🎀🖋🔐❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💞🚯⚜️🔝♠️🎩 🧢 👒 🪖⛑️🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️👨‍🌾😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🤣🥲☺️😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🤪🤨🧐🤓😎🥸🤩🥳😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😤😠😡🤬🤯😳🥵🥶😶‍🌫️😱😨😰😥😓🤗🤔🫣🤭🫢🤫🫠😐🫤😬🙄🥱😴🤤😪😮‍💨😵‍💫🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑🤠
justinbentley.net : 2022-01-20, 6:29:04.456 PM
sorry angle brackets have to go 
<>test : 2022-01-20, 6:28:46.394 PM
Bop II'' : 2024-01-19, 3:24:42.943 AM
Bop ba'dop ba'''ba''''''ba' ba bah' dop'
TEST : 2024-02-15, 7:56:41.763 PM
Bot : 2022-01-20, 6:08:22.899 PM
Duplicate Message detected
123456789 : 2022-01-20, 5:32:25.744 PM
Bot : 2022-01-20, 5:02:25.744 PM
 Concatenation Warning, Message was written though tail was cut off due to exceeding buffer size
Overflow : 2022-01-20, 5:01:29.323 PM
mssqltips logo Join DBA Database Administration Performance Tuning Monitoring Extended Events PowerShell SQL Server Agent Management Studio Backup Restore Availability Groups Webinars All Categories T-SQL Stored Procedure Tutorial SQL Server Join Example CROSS APPLY + OUTER APPLY Cursor in SQL Server Rolling up multiple mssqltips logo Join DBA Database Administration Performance Tuning Monitoring Extended Events PowerShell SQL Server Agent Management Studio Backup Restore Availability Groups Webinars All Ca
iOS : 2022-01-20, 4:56:27.089 PM
Great responsiveness 
DMY : 2022-01-20, 4:50:11.697 AM
2022-01-22, 8:58:37.148 AM 
DMY : 2022-01-20, 4:49:11.697 AM
2022-01-22, 8:31:25 AM (359123μ)
Back End : 2022-01-20, 4:48:11.697 AM
** time to work on the front!
Pre : 2022-01-20, 4:44:43.390 AM
Can I?
                      Whitespace & Newlines
Todo : 2022-01-20, 4:42:02.838 AM
Make message varchar bigger hehe 😜 
Executor : 2022-01-20, 4:29:15.405 AM
Very nice, I think I shall stay here a while :P
Ambersand : 2022-01-20, 4:27:55.265 AM
& WAITFOR DELAY '99:99:99'
J'Bop : 2022-01-20, 4:26:34.543 AM
Bop 'ba b'a b'op b'o'p
JavaScript : 2022-01-20, 4:24:44.937 AM
<script>alert("ahhhhh, alien")</script>
JavaScript : 2022-01-20, 4:24:03.937 AM
&lt;script&gt; alert("ahhhhh, alien"); &lt;script&gt;
JavaScript : 2022-01-20, 4:23:41.031 AM
alert("ahhhhh, alien");
SSMS : 2022-01-20, 3:53:30.944 AM
Hicks : 2022-01-20, 1:55:42.804 AM
I saw an alien, he tried to drop the database
Button : 2022-01-20, 1:54:44.335 AM
Type text
User ~ : 2022-01-20, 1:41:17.823 AM
Did anyone see an alien?
User * : 2022-01-20, 1:40:44.432 AM
Hello, Love the website ew wooo x,x
Einstein : 2022-01-20, 1:27:06.030 AM
E = MC^2
Apone : 2022-01-20, 1:25:54.780 AM
Alien : 2022-01-20, 1:25:13.171 AM
Alien : 2022-01-20, 1:24:14.530 AM
T : 2022-01-20, 1:22:03.234 AM
I pity the fool
User D : 2022-01-20, 1:20:00.188 AM
User C : 2022-01-20, 1:18:14.064 AM
User B : 2022-01-20, 1:13:05.002 AM
oh B-haaaave
A User : 2022-01-20, 12:58:35.771 AM
Dayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumm what a website!
bvzdcxbx : 2022-01-20, 12:57:00.131 AM
sorry about the french :)
bvzdcxbx : 2022-01-20, 12:52:59.851 AM
bfdghfdgnjcgh ,ikm,
FRIEND : 2022-01-20, 12:21:58.202 AM
Michael : 2022-01-19, 10:04:25.706 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-19, 10:04:25.706 PM
Hello World!!!!
Michael : 2022-01-19, 10:04:24.768 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-19, 10:04:24.768 PM
Hello World!!!!
Michael : 2022-01-19, 10:03:29.956 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-19, 10:03:29.956 PM
Hello World!!!!
Michael : 2022-01-19, 10:03:29.019 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-19, 10:03:29.019 PM
Hello World!!!!
George : 2022-01-19, 10:03:05.284 PM
oh my god R U drinking red wine?
George : 2022-01-19, 10:03:05.284 PM
I decided to write a really long message to see what happens I decided to write a really long message to see what happens I decided to write a really long message to see what happens I decided to write a really long message to see what happens I decided to write a really long message to see what happens I decided to write a really long message to see what happens, that will do
Michael : 2022-01-19, 10:03:05.284 PM
Hello Everybody!
Justin : 2022-01-19, 10:03:05.284 PM
Hello World!!!!
Bot : 2025-03-12, 3:41:30.978 PM
Subroutines OK, SQL Reading underway
Bot : 2025-03-12, 3:41:30.728 PM
Hello from SQL Connection function
Bot : 2025-03-12, 3:41:30.634 PM
Hello from the Model