justinbentley.net - uni
Justin Bentley graduating at University of Canberra, with
            Dr. Masoud Mohammadian
Graduation Ceremony April 2021, pictured right is Dr. Masoud Mohammadian, my Database/SQL teacher;

Bachelor of Software Engineering, BSE, 2015 - 2019

After thoroughly mastering Hardware & OS Support I decided it was finally time to learn how to Program so I found myself at University of Canberra enrolled in a Bachelor of Software Engineering.

I could probably say I would be happy to still be there though like all great things everything must come to an end.

Though I'm so glad I was there and I learned so much and to be honest I just wouldn't of known where to start in the Software Engineering field otherwise.

Apart from the wider umbrella of Software Engineering and Computer Science my most major takeaways from Uni are a deeper understanding of Electronics and a love that I never knew, C++ & OpenGL (interchangable with DirectX).

Without sounding like the most major OpenGL fanboy to of ever existed, someday I will probably release a really awesome (what I hope) OpenGL/DirectX ultra-efficient SteamVR Game.

I will go through the most interesting subjects (sorry units 🧐) that I attended at Uni and attached to this branch of the website, or in MVC speak, Controller.